Life has a funny way of showing you what your made of! Some of the longest and hardest seasons of our lives are truly only meant to be for a moment, but because we don’t see them for what they are we prolong them. - Demira Devoil
Read MoreMy trauma was stored in a hermetically sealed container buried deep in the recesses of my soul. As time went on it was covered over and put into a dark place. It is the dark places of our soul that the enemy loves. And from those dark places he has much that he can control. But when light is shone on the darkness Satan loses his power and control.
Leslie Daniel
Read MoreKnowing your why is essential in being successful on your journey. Your why should be specific and handwritten in a location where you can see it multiple times a day.
Stephanie Nesbitt
Read MoreSelf-worth has nothing to do with the amount of money you make, or the material acquisitions you acquire; although it may tie in with the attainment.
Kim Harris
Read MoreWhen you’re walking daily with your head held high but still battling some things deep on the inside; You are on your beautiful faith walk.
Raleshia Brumfield