“I’m not your Superwoman, but I am His Damsel in Distress”

“I’m not your Superwoman, but I am His Damsel in Distress”

by Demira Devoil.


Life has a funny way of showing you what your made of! Some of the longest and hardest seasons of our lives are truly only meant to be for a moment, but because we don’t see them for what they are we prolong them. See a couple of years ago I found myself in unfamiliar territory broke, single mom, alone, confused, just completely lost. But one day I had to ask myself, “How did you get here?” I realized that for many years I always held the “game face” of being “OK” also known as “The Strong One”. I had worn this face for so long that I couldn’t tell what was real or fake. In doing a some soul searching, I discovered that by being raised by a strong woman who constantly had a game face and showed little weakness, her mask became mines and somewhere along the line I inherited her superwoman cape. I walked around super prideful, holding on to hurt, and drowning my sorrows with the mentality of I got myself into this I’m going to get myself out but all the while going further and further in the hole.

I know that this story is familiar to many because somehow, you’ve inadvertently taken on the mask of someone else maybe your mom, dad, sister, etc. My mask came with poverty, alcoholism, and promiscuity. All remnants of things passed down from generation to generation. Where does it end? I’ll tell you, it can end with you. For me it ended with a sweet surrender to something that was greater than myself. I knew deep inside that there was a life outside of the things that so casually just ran in the family. One of my favorite quotes is “Be The change you want to see in this world”. True reflection begins with you. When we surrender the idea of being this superwoman or superman, continually masking pain, we can fall into the reality of being His perfect damsel in distress. His job is to save us, and so many of us are so busy trying to save ourselves that we miss the beauty of being saved. Will you call for HELP today? When we take off the mask we allow His perfect plan of purpose to flow. God had to save me from me, and because of my one act of bravery, I now can live out a life of helping others relinquish their mask too. 

Follow Demira @hopefularmsfoundation and www.hopefularmsfoundation.org

Shammah Kinchen